Tarpon 14

Tarpon are incredible fighters with great stamina.  Tarpon are one of the most sought-after Florida fish and the waters near St Petersburg Fl is a proven place to catch them in good number.  They can be caught on flies, streamers, lures, jigs, live bait, and dead bait.  Fishing equipment of all kinds is used to catch Tarpon.   Tarpon are of poor food value and are exclusively caught here in Florida on a catch and release basis.  You must have a tarpon tag to fish for Tarpon in Florida unless you are fishing with a licensed fishing captain.  The Florida state record at this writing is 243 lbs., caught near Key West.

Tarpon characteristically is toothless and swallows their prey whole.  The mouth is made up of rough sandpaper-like bone.  Sardines, shrimp, crabs, and small fish are their favorite dining choice but they will also scavenge the bottom for small dead fish.  Tarpon have a swim bladder that allows them to take in raw air through their gills; many feel this is why they can battle so long.

The faster they swim the more often they come to the surface.  When you see them at the surface it is said that they are rolling.  Tarpon’s primary predators are sharks.  For pound explosiveness, endurance, and jumping ability the only fish that can compete pound for pound is a blue marlin