Redfish 1

Red Drum are also widely known as redfish.  Redfish inhabit the coastal waters around St Petersburg FL in great numbers.  In winter, redfish are found in seagrass, over muddy or sand bottoms, or near oyster bars or spring-fed creeks.  Juvenile redfish stay inshore until they are approximately 4 years old and have reached an approximate length of 30 inches.  At this point in their development, they move from a nearshore population.

During spawning season, usually August through December redfish position themselves in passes, inlets, and lagoon estuaries.  During spawning, season redfish use special muscles to rub their air bladder to make a drumming noise.

Redfish can be caught here in Florida on many different types of fishing gear.  One of the more popular live baits is shrimp.  They also like crabs and mullets.  Soft body jigs and spoons are also favorite artificial lures that are often used.  Most adult redfish move offshore and live with other breeder fish.